Man grilling unaware of his hearing loss and how getting a hearing aid could help him enjoy time with his family.

Why permit your summer to be spoiled by flawed hearing? Most likely it’s much worse if you’re not aware of it. A few ear conditions and aging can bring a prolonged loss of hearing that you may not even detect. If you love summer fun, then why would you really want to get left behind because you can’t hear very well? Look for remedies to the difficulties which come along with hearing loss, so you can get out there and enjoy the fun with everyone else.

Summer Barbecues

Summertime barbecues do get a bit tricky if you have hearing loss. For one thing, there is a lot of background noise. Lots of people are conversing everywhere. Kids might be playing in the yard or yelling in the pool. There is the crackling sound of the food cooking on the grill and, of course, the wonderful sounds of nature.

All that noise interferes with any residual hearing you may have left. When someone has hearing decline, background noises tend to take over.

There are things you can try to compensate like:

Find a quiet place to sit to eliminate some of that overpowering background noise. Facing away from the sun will permit you to see people when they talk and read their lips to figure out words you miss.

  • You can reduce the volume of background music. Deciding not to play music is an option if you’re the host. If you are going to someone else’s barbecue, describe the problem to the host.
  • Now and then just walk away. It can be fatiguing when you are struggling to hear. Every hour or so go indoors or away from all the noise.
  • Let people know if you can’t hear. Don’t try to fake it because that can irritate others. If you don’t hear what someone said, tell them. You should also utilize visual clues that you are struggling such as cupping your ear. Usually, people will move closer or speak louder to help.

Don’t attempt to hear everything. The fact that you can’t engage in every discussion is something you need to acknowledge. Set reasonable limits for yourself and try to participate in small groups instead.

Go Outdoors

What might you be missing by staying inside the house? Don’t be afraid to go outside the house and concentrate on the sounds of the natural world. You won’t be able to hear everything, but with a small amount of focus, you may be surprised by the sounds you will hear.

Make a game out of it and listen for:

  • Chirping birds
  • Insects buzzing
  • Crickets at night
  • The leaves blowing
  • Rain on your roof
  • Kids running around and playing
  • Barking dogs
  • Splashing waves

Temper expectations when going outside, to the beach, or for a walk in the park by trying to listen to one thing at a time.

Enjoy Day Trips or Even a Much Needed Vacation

Isn’t that what summertime is all about? Decide what kind of vacation you would enjoy and if there are limitations that come along with your hearing loss. As an example, a theme park could be a bit too much stimulation, but sailing or fishing work perfectly. Spend a day walking around a nature preserve or go to the zoo. Going to a museum or taking a stroll on the boardwalk next to the beach are great choices.

Don’t let your loss of hearing rob you of your opportunity to travel this summer. If you’re going to fly, tell the airline that you have hearing loss when you book the ticket. Alert the hotel, too, so they can give you a room with accommodations for the hearing impaired like smoke alarms with flashing lights or shaking beds and TVs with closed captioning.

Improve Yourself

Learn how to paint or perhaps take a fitness class to help improve yourself this summer. If you would like to find a place up front, be sure to get there early. Bring a friend or two with you and have them fill you in on what you might miss during the session.

Safety Precautions Should Be Taken This Summer

There are a couple of summertime activities that require you to take precautions to protect yourself, your ears, and any expensive hearing assistance devices you own. Play it safe by:

  • While you are enjoying the pool or beach, play it safe. Keep your hearing aids dry and put in earplugs when you go in the water.
  • If you decide to walk in the evening to appreciate the night air, take someone with you. You may miss the warning sounds from potential hazards such as oncoming traffic or maybe even a frightening stranger coming up behind you.
  • Wear ear protection at fireworks and at live shows.

Try to Make The Most of it This Summer

Many of these summertime difficulties become less substantial if you do three easy things.

  • Get your ears checked by a hearing care specialist. It is possible that your hearing loss is treatable.
  • Get a professional hearing examination, to determine if you do actually have hearing loss.
  • Get good-quality hearing aids. They can filter out any background noises so you will hear what is important.

Having fun is what summer is all about. Don’t let hearing loss take it away from you.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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